Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 7
We just finished climbing Santiam Pass, which is 4800 ft. We both agree it was one of the hardest things that we have done in our lives!
However, we did it and the Rockies are just hills to us now haha! It was really hot outside with the temperature around 95. When we got up to the summit and we were both dead. I'm so proud of Kristen for pulling through like a champion. This girl just got her bike 3 months ago and is riding like she has been doing it for years! Keep in mind, she doesn't have gears that go very low and is carrying about 20 pounds in her saddlepacks. Whatever goes up must come down..decend we did! We had a 6 mile downhill and reached speeds up to 40 miles. I had a little speed wobble, but managed to regain control of my bike

We stopped in a resort community called Shuttle Lake for lunch to replenish our bodies cause we were starving! The lake was beautiful with a great view of Mt Washington in the backdrop. When relaxing on the beach, we met a guy named Bill. We struck up a conversation on all the biking touring he has done throughout the state.

We rode another 15 miles to our final destination for the day. The town we stopped at was called Sisters. While I was waiting for Kristen in front of the grocery store for her to ask directions to the campsite, I started talking to a lady whose name was Tiki. She said we were crazy for wanting to bike across the country! We told her that we were planning on sleeping at the nearby campsite, but she offered her backyard for us to crash for the night. Without hesitation we took her up on her offer! We spent the night chatting about our journey this summer and learned about her life story. Tiki was a very outspoken women who loves the outdoors, hiking, and meeting new people. Thanks again for the warm shower and your hospitality!
Now off to do our bedtime stretches

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