Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 6

Last night was pretty interesting...Kristen was already passed out and I was enjoying the view of the beautiful stars until clouds came rolling through and all of a sudden I saw lighting. I was a bit freaked out because our tent was surrounded by 100 ft tall Douglas fur trees, right next to water, and our metal bikes were right next to us. So, I decided it was best to move our home to a safer spot. Good news is we woke up in the morning without being struck.Of course it was another beautiful morning with the sun shining brightly. We ate some breakfast and packed our things up slowly..really slowly because we didn't want to leave this majestic place we called home for a night. We said goodbye to Ellie and thanked her again for her hospitality!We were off on the road again.

Today, we planned to ride only 20 miles to our next campsite, which was in McKenzie Bridge because we wanted to be fresh for the big 5800 ft climb over the Cascades tomorrow! We arrived at our new home for the night in about 2 hours. The highway were on had a big shoulder,flat, and freshly paved. We found a great campsite that was right along the McKenzie river again. Setting up the tent now only took minutes because we've become experts. It was nice to know we had the entire afternoon to relax and take the surrounding scenery in. Kristen and I started talking about how lucky we are to have the abundance of recreational opportunities available in our country. We have to thank all the federal agencies for helping to preserve these precious lands that make our country so unique and diverse.

Furthermore, I want to thank my sister Beata who is helping upload our blog with pictures during the times we don't have internet access.

Some updates with Invisible Children..on May 21 a bill was introduced to the House which targets Obama and his administration within 6 months to come up with a strategy to addess LRA violence and assist the communities that have been affected by the army by funding the country with 10 million in emergency humanitarian assistance. Most importantly US must come up with a policy to permanently stop Joesph Kony from terrorizing innocent people. For more information visit

Well got to get some rest for the big day ahead of us tomorrow