Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 5

Last night we laid low at our campsite and chilled at the rec room which had a TV so we were able to watch the Cavs game. A bit disappointed with the result of the game. However, we met a very nice man whose name was Dolewain. He is a professional photographer who lives in CA, but drove to Oregon to snap some photos of windsurfers, nature, and a NCAA track meet. Dolewain promised us that he wanted to snap a few pictures in our gear and spandex the next morning.Before we left the campsite for our 50 mile ride to a small town called Blue River we met up with Dolewain to do a little photo shoot. Thanks again for taking the photos, we love them! After parting with our new friend, he gave us a good piece of advise in life.."If you want to do something that you love for a career, get good at it and then everything else will fall into place." That's so refreshing to hear cause Kristen and I both agree with that statement because both of us want to find jobs we love and enjoy going to everyday. I really want to pursue a career in the hospitality industry because I love interacting with all different types of people and servicing their needs so they have a good trip or vacation.

The 50 miles we rode wasn't hard. It was flat the whole way and we had a pretty big shoulder so cars and semis weren't coming to close to us. The weather was sunny and HOT. It hot up to 95! We are getting some good farmer tans. I want to thank my Mom for buying us the neon jersey! They are very nice because air easily circulates throughout the jersey, so we don't sweat as much. Thanks again! After riding for about 4 hrs we were beat and thought it was time to call it quits. We planned on staying at a campground in Blue River, but we stumbled upon a bed and breakfast a couple miles before the town that also allows tents. Right when we pulled into the place, we automatically knew we were going to stay because the property was along the McKenzie river. We were greeted by Ellie, the owner. She was so welcoming and we felt right at home. She showed us to our campsite which literally was 4 ft from the river. Nothing like falling asleep to the sound of rushing water! Ellis felt like our mom, she offered us some tuna sandwiches and soup. Delicious! We ate our food outside and watched the beautiful sunset fall over the tall trees.

Before heading to sleep I was able to pick up a wifi signal to check our email. We got an email from Phil who heard about our journey to raise money for Invisible Children. Interestingly enough he was doing a similar thing, but he was unicycling across Canada for Invisible Children!! I couldn't imagine riding 3000 miles on one wheel... Major Props! He is planning on finishing I'm June so check out his website Keep up the good work!It's really great to find out about others who are committed in helping rescue the child soldiers and restore peace in Uganda. Shot out to everyone who is apart of Invisible Children and all the things we all have accomplished! Keep up the good work! The more voices being heard the more the elected officials must come up with solutions to end this war.

Goodnight for now


  1. you are awesome !!!!! Thanks for all you are doing to spread the word!!! God Speed!!!!

  2. GO ROCKY!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE!!!!!!
