Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 8 & 9
Hello everyone! Kristen here, after an interesting evening with Tiki we woke up late at 9 and didn't end up leaving until bout 10:30, usually it takes us an hour and a half to get going! We rode about 50 miles to Prineville where it started raining and this nice guy John let us hang in his convenience store to stay dry! We headed to the RV park in the pouring rain and set up camp under a pavillion to stay out of the rain! I let Mark make dinner for the first time, big mistake! Instead of eating top ramen and mac and cheese, we had cold chewy noodles and cheese soup! Not sure if he did it on purpose so he won't have to make dinner ever again, to be honest I don't even want him to! I was dying of laughter because we both wanted to shower at the same time however we only have one towel and one set of shampoo and conditioner. There were two showers in the ladies restroom and he ran in the bathroom and hid in the shower stall and decided he was too nervous to stay in there because he thought someone would walk in! He finally left and waited to take a shower until I was done! We woke up at 5:30am to the sound of he sprinklers hitting our tent and went back to sleep for an hour after moving the tent a few feet to the left. We got ready and around 8 set off for Mitchell over Ochoco Pass. The climb wasn't too bad, pretty gradual all the way up! After the rain began again we decide to stay in a hostel in the small town of about 170! We ate at the Sidewalk cafe, where we met the mayor Nd visited the towns black bear named henry who lives in a cage across the street from our hostel!


  1. We raced through Prineville and Sisters every year at Cascade Classic bike race.

  2. YOU GUYS ROCK SO HARD! keep up the great work! Love Mikey Lo

  3. Hi Kristen, Elsie & Peter here. Awesome job,you made the "Thousand Oaks Acorn". So famous now hope you'll still remember us! Sounds like your having a great adventure. Wish we could send some pizza delivery to you.Hope the article brings in more donations!We'll keep in touch..Favorite!!! Elsie & Peter

  4. Keep the little flag moving on the map! You both are crankin the pedals. I've started riding my bike to church once and with the dogs in honor of you two!
