Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 33- Lava Camp to Dubois

We decided to ride only 20 miles today because the next nearest campsite is in Lander, Wyoming, about 93 miles away from where we stayed last night. I didn't feel like riding that far so we decided we would take a relaxed day. We are planning to be in Fort Collins by the fourth of July and from my predictions, we are ahead of schedule.

We set up our tent, did some laundry, and went for a swim. When I went to dump out our clothes of our ghetto clear bag, which I forgot to mention had been picked apart by some birds to get to our packets of oatmeal at Old Faithful, a few of the clothes were stuck to the bottom of the bag. I reached down, past the duct tape to find the grape jelly had spilled all over. I really don't know if this bag is going to last...we are trying to make it last to Fort Collins at least...not sure if its going to happen. We went to this deli called Paya, grabbed some sandwiches and hit up the library, where we are now. We have goals of playing in a ping pong tournament this evening in the KOA gameroom. Basically, nothing annoys me more than Mark beating me at ping pong so be thinking of me and hopefully the ping pong gods will be on my side. Hopefully you all are having a great summer so far! Can't wait to see my Fort Collins people!

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