Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 31- Grant Village to Jenny Lake

So because it takes Mark forever to write one blog, here I go again...

We left Grant Village and were on our way to Jenny lake, about a 65 mile ride. This required us to veer off of our path and venture out onto the Teton Spur, towards Jackson, Wyoming and through Jackson Hole. We normally probably wouldn't have decided to add an extra 34 miles onto the trip but we heard it was beautiful from a handful of other cyclists whom we had met previously. We decided to go for it since from experience, the best places to go are from hearing about them from other people. We stopped in Colter Bay for lunch which looked like a bustling little place to spend a vacation! The service was great and we then we rode another twenty miles to Jenny Lake. The whole ride was breathtaking, probably the prettiest ride we have taken so far, well I guess its hard to judge. We stumbled into camp at about 7:34 and saw a sign that the ranger talk had begun four mintues before. We listened in on the ranger talking about climbing, the Collin Exem school, and the history of the Grand Tetons. The lake was nestled in right next to the mountains and as the sun went down, the mosquitos came out. We set up our tent as quickly as possible~!

We met a couple, Steve and Lynn who had biked across the U.S., twice, on a tandem bike pulling their 18 month yr. old baby in a trailer. They gave us some answers to some questions we had and basically told us Missouri was the worst state. I pulled out the map in disbelief to find what looks like a heart monitor of some sort or a lie detector test...I don't even know. It's basically allllllll hills, up and down, up and down, barely 200 ft climbs, but a million of them! I guess we don't have to worry about that yet. They gave us a donation and told us to be safe and look forward to the cookie lady in Virginia!

Another cyclist pulled into camp, Kyle, who had decided to take about a week bike trip before he began working at the Knolls course. He was a great guy, with alot of insightful ideas and we had fun talking with him! He knew how to play the harmonica, which Mark and I have both been practicing but really have not picked up. Every fellow biker so far on this trip has been such a delight and just really laid back. It seems like a good way to enjoy life and everyone keeps telling us how lucky we are to be doing this at our age. We do realize that if it weren't for you, friends, family, and strangers even, we wouldn't be doing this so thank you to all who have supported us! We fell asleep to the beautiful stars above and Mark claims to have heard coyotes or wolves in the middle of the night. I can sleep through anything!

Love to all!

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