Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 32- Jenny Lake to Lava Mountain Camp

Today we climbed Togwotee Pass, the second highest pass on the transamerica trail. We left Jenny lake at about 10am after having a nice relaxing morning looking at the beautiful Grand Teton Mountain Range! We grabbed some food in Moose, Wyoming at a cute outdoor cafe that had an incredible view of the mountains. We began talking with three guys from Maryland who were on an, BOYS ONLY OUTDOOR VACATION, suprise suprise...more boys woo hoo, if only you could hear my excitement. I asked them how many times they had brushed their teeth in the last week and they said once...eeeeeeewwwwww. I have decided ALL boys are gross.

Anyways, we pedaled quickly to Moran Junction and saw a buffalo crossing the road on our way! We grabbed some more water at a convenient store before heading up the nearly 20 mile climb of about 2600 ft. Like usual,(except I did beat him up White Bird), Mark was in front of me and I was listening to my pump up tunes and chewing endless pieces of gum, my new habit. The road was about a 6% grade, and did flaten out every now and then which was a nice break. As I approached the last five mile marker, a line of cars were stopped at the beginning of a road work/construction site. The man holding the stop sign waved me forward to tell me that I would have to get a ride in the pilot car almost to the top of the pass. What a bummer! It was so unfortunate I couldn't ride that last five miles of uphill in the blazing you could imagine. Actually, I was psyched! ha We rode the last mile or so to the top of the pass and then decided to stay at a campground called the Lava Mountain Campground about ten miles away. The restaurant was complete with lava lamps and lava cake, pretty cool I must say. I got to shower and so I was happy!

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