Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 30

It's Kree-dizzle....

So I think Mark is writing about Chuck and Kevin, the Montana mountain men...they gave me a riddle and I want all of you to do it too. Follow the steps and don't skip ahead or you probably won't get it....


Step 1. From top to bottom say, BEARS, before every word....bears bears, bears about, and so forth

Step 2. From top to bottom say, BEARS, after every word....bears bears, about bears, and so forth

Step 3. From top to bottom say, BEARS, before AND after every word...bears bears bears, bears about bears, and so forth

Step 4. From bottom to top, read only the words....

Now how do you feel???

Ha I thought that was hysterical. Anyways, today we rode from West Yellowstone to Grant Village. It was about a 50 mile ride, which left us plenty of time to sightsee! We stopped at the Upper Geyser Basin and saw some geysers and hot pools. We also saw these formations called paint pots which looked like bubbling muddy planets of some sort! We saw some wildlife and snapped some photos and then made our way to Old Faithful! The geyser erupts about every 90 minutes and being the most popular sight to see in Yellowstone, I felt like I was at SeaWorld. Everyone was awaiting the eruption, counting down to the minute, all with their cameras in hand. The enormous geyser went soaring high about 30 feet in the air and it was definitely a sight to see~!

We climbed two short passes each reaching the top of the Continental Divide and our downhill ride consisted of a view of Yellowstone Lake, the largest highest lake in the U.S., I believe. The Grand Teton National Park was sparkling in the distance with white snowy peaks and it was truly amazing! We headed into Grant Village and I told Mark to get us some food before the store closed, did I mention we woke up at 10am and didn't get to Grant Village until 8pm! We didn't set our alarm and like normal had a slow start. I set up the tent like a mad woman so I could shower as quickly as possible. After I realized the shower cost $2, Mark was nowhere to be found. I tried to follow him to one of the restaurants but it was getting dusky and there was a huge buck in the middle of the road. I made a quick u-turn without thinking twice and decided to wait for him at the showers. 10 min. went by, another 10 min. went by, and another. I was starting to wonder if he had been eaten by a grizzly bear. This very nice family had seen me sitting on the bench for awhile and gave me two dollars! I thanked God and took a warm, toasty shower as fast as I could. We met another cyclist at our campsite who was from Canada and on a two week bike trip heading toward Missoula. I chatted with her while Mark attempted to build a fire...didn't work out so well, I think the wood was wet or something. Off to bed!

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