Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 27

Today in a nutshell...
It took us 3 hrs from the time we opened our eyes until we left our campsite....we are getting slower and slower packig everything up as the trip continues haha! We had a breakfast bagel and hit the road to West Yellostone at about noon. Ben warned us about the headwinds in Montans flatlands. Kristen said a prayer to the wind gods for a smooth, calm day of riding and we hit the road. Within the first pedal stroke the wind gods were against us! We had a combination of
_headwinds and crosswinds of about 30-40 mph! I knew Kristen was misersble because she hates wind! I told her to suck it up and push through it. Ten minutes later i was felt the same level of frustration! We were pedaling as hard as we could and only going 5 mph, at the rate we were going to make it to Yellowstone at midnight!

After riding for almost 4 hrs we rode a total of only 26 miles and stopped at a campsite right off the side of the road. Right now it 9pm and the wind is still
raging at 30 mph! The tent sometimes caves inwards cause the wind is so
strong. Hopefully we don't fly away with the tent when we are sleeping tonight and the wind lets up tomorrow morning.
We will be praying to the wind gods tonight for a better day tomorow

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