Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 28- West Yellowstone

Hey everyone, its Kristen! The morning began at about 5 am, to the sound of the worlds most annoying alarm, which went off every ten minutes for the next hour! We managed to finally sit up, while still in our sleeping bags, and reach outside the tent to grab our breakfast supplies, to make delicious pb&j's! Half asleep we ate our breakfast and somehow, beat our getting ready record by a whole half an hour! We were in awe of ourselves and realized it was probably the cold morning air that hurried us along. We were off early in hopes of beating the wind, which if you don't know by now, I despise, and that is just what we did! We pedaled about ten miles to find a moving mass of what looked like animals in the distance! Sure enough we stumbled upon about 100 cows being herded along the highway to their summer pasture! It was a riot, the cows were scared of us, but way bigger then us too! I was nervous I might get attacked since they surrounded us on all sides! It was like trying to make our way through a cow maze! The cars were having a difficult time maneuvering through the crowd but we were much more agile and bolted through the pack! Not only did we have to dodge the cows but the cow pies they left on the road too. Mark was behind me and apparently my back tire spit up cow poop all over him! I was in hysterics but it seriously was so sick!

We enjoyed a beautiful ride by Quake Lake and as we peered to the left, out onto the pure glass lake water, I got my water skiing itch! We made it into West Yellowstone after about four hours and 46 miles. We grabbed some burgers at a local restaurant and then decided to find a place to stay for the night! We asked around to find all of our choices, and found there were three RV parks. It had been two days without a shower for me and well that's two days too many after a day of riding! Boys are not the same, Mark said he would not shower as much if it weren't for me, I expect a thank you someday! We rode to the other side of town to find one RV park that had just watered their lawn and sent us down three blocks to another one just in time for a terential down pour! I ran inside to pay for the site and the guy told me only cash was accepted and the site was $35 !!! Considering Mark was already setting up the tent and it was raining I asked if I could write a check, he basically said he didn't think my money was good there and that us "tenters" would track mud into the bathroom! How rude right?I told him that I wouldn't even want to give him my money and told Mark to take the tent down because we were leaving! Being in the hospitality industry and all, I was in shock that someone could run their business this way! Mark got mad too and yelled at him in front of other customers! The first mean person we have encountered. So we rode back to the other side of town and met some wonderfully fabulous people at the Grizzly RV park! They offered us a cyclist rate, warm clean showers (the most important thing), and they even had a conference room with a TV! We decided to grab some pizza and while waiting for a table at Pete's Pizza, we met a lovely couple, Neil and Maureen who live in Chester, England! A table popped up with four seats and I asked if they wanted to sit down with us. They accepted and we had a great conversation over some delicious pizza! They have travelled all over the world and are so enthusiastic about exploring places they have never been! We shared our passion for travelling and I hope I can live my life like theirs one day! They graciously paid for the check which was very much appreciated so thank you guys so much!!!! They invited us to England, so that's always an option! Ha! Mark wanted a shake like always and the girls at the ice cream store said they could make him a suprise! Of course he agreed and was delightfully surprised with a huckleberry carrot cake ice cream mixture! Huckleberrys are so good, almost like blueberries but better, I guess you can only get them in Montana?

We are planning on doing a hike tommorrow to see some geysers, hopefully it won't rain on us!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA wish i was with you to share all these cow-pies-ful moments my friends...Ollie schlee le le la
