Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Word Is Spreading....

Hey Hey,

Our biking journey to raise money to restore damaged schools and raise attention about the Child Soldiers in Uganda and boarding countries is gaining momentum! The more publicity we can attract the more people will learn about the atrocities that are happening in central and eastern Africa. Specifically help rescue the Child Soldiers of Uganda, so they can return to their homes and families. As more people learn about the calamities in these countries, they can go to their elected officials and demand them to create policy measures or pass legislation which will help end the wars occurring in central and eastern Africa and restore peace.

We made the front page on May 11 in the Rocky Mountain Collegian which caters to residents in Northern Colorado http://www.collegian.com We are very excited because CSU students and Fort Collins residents can learn about our biking journey to raise money for damaged schools in N. Uganda.

Also, the owner Darren of Bicycle Touring Pro website wrote a little blurb about our biking journey http://bicycletouringpro.com/lifestyle/2009/05/biking-for-invisible-children/

Our friend Elena is helping us make a media kit, so we can send out our biking trip and our cause to anyone who would be willing to publish it. Thanks Elena for all the time and effort you put into creating the media kit!

10 days until we leave!!

All the best,

Mark and Kristen

1 comment:

  1. just found out about your bike journey on IC's blog. AWESOME idea you guys! (a bike seat for 3 months might hurt a bit, eek) so where are you sleeping? I would think with the extensive IC network you would have plenty of people who would volunteer for you to stay with them/feed you/help with laundry etc...I live in Washington, DC and I'm not sure if your trip takes you through here, but I would love to help you any way I can. Best of luck! You're gonna rock it!
