Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last Weeks Fundraising Event

Hey everyone!

Mark and I are enjoying some sunshine on this lovely Tuesday afternoon while we discuss the rest of the equipment we need for the trip. Not too many things because Mark is going to have to drag it ALL in the trailer! We cannot believe we are graduating this weekend and we leave Oregon next Friday! We are both excited and anxious to begin our journey!

Last week was a hectic week planning for our big fundraising event on Thursday evening at C.B. & Potts, a local brewery/restaurant in town. 10% of the restaurant's proceeds were donated to our bike trip. On Thursday morning, we were on CSU Plaza promoting for our event. We were equipped with spandex and two stationary bikes, showcasing our fabulous biking skills to get people to attend our fundraising event that evening.

Thanks to Jeremy Wilstein (official spokesman for our campaign) in attracting a lot of attention. He capitalized on the students who had mesmerized faces after witnessing Mark in spandex and convinced them to come to C.B. & Potts that evening. Jeremy, being the personable person had no problem convincing almost everyone he talked to!!

We can't forget to make a shout out to our friend DJ D Quay! He kept us motivated on our stationary bikes with up beat dance music. At one point the music was so loud that the Student Center building manager had to come out and tell him to turn it down! Way to keep bumpin the beats DJ Quay!

The C.B. Potts fundraiser that evening was a great turnout. It was great to see all of our friends, teachers, and community members enjoying great food and drinks. We had a raffle with a lot of food certificates that local Fort Collins restaurants donated. Our friend Bre helped us out by spending hours going from restaurant to business asking for any type of item or certificate that could be donated! Thankkkkss!

As the night wore on, more and more people started to come. Here are some photos of our friends enjoying themselves while a portion of their tab was donated to us so we could achieve our goal of raising $10,000 for schools in N. Uganda.

Thank you everyone who came out and supported us!

We are so close to graduation that we can smell our diploma! Then we are off on a bike ride across the U.S in hopes of informing the people we meet along the way about the war in Uganda. How it must come to an end in order to rescue the 3,000 child soldier still fighting for the militia LRA.

Summer is here so enjoy it!!

Kristen and Mark

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