Sunday, April 26, 2009

Invisible Children "The Rescue" April 25

Last night was a huge success! Close to 2500 participants took part in "The Rescue" of Joseph Kony's child soldiers. The event began at Cheeseman Park in Denver around 3pm when people started walking from the "abduction site" to the "LRA camp". This simulation represented the child soldiers being abducted from their homes and villages and brought to the Lord's Resistance Army camp where we waited for hours in order to be rescued. Being rescued meant that we needed media attention as well as a mogul who promised to do something about the situation currently happening in Northern Uganda.

Mark and I were both pleasantly surprised about the turn out of so many young people who are the faces of our future and care so deeply about the well being of their fellow teenagers. At around nine thirty we were rescued!!! Channel 9 news came to document the event and both a representative from Senator Udall's office as well as a member from the Flobots came to rescue us! Along with many others around the world we hope that something will be done to bring the child soldiers home and let them know peace.

Everyone came running to the stage after Denver found out that we had been rescued!

Everyone prepared to camp out until we got rescued.

Here are a few pictures from the event to give you a better idea of how it went!

On another note, Mark and I went on a 3 hour ride today and experienced some forces of nature including wind, wind chill, and also some tail winds and as for me, some forces of gravity. I took a pretty good fall while trying to catch Mark's draft which ended up in a crash, with a few good scrapes. After Mark asked if I was okay and the reply was a few grunts and an okay, we began laughing and continued riding. We had a good ride and are starting to get all of our equipment together!

As graduation creeps closer and closer we are cramming in everything we can from school to friends to training and gearing up for the summertime!

Hope everyone's week is going well and thanks for your support!~

Peace and Love,

Kristen and Mark

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, have a great time! A friend of mine and I rode from Huntington Beach to New York City last summer and we had an absolute blast! While we did not do it for a cause, we learned so many things about life as I know you will too! I know you probably have all your bases covered, but if you want any tips for certain parts of your route (ours was nearly the same as yours as soon as you'll get to Colorado), or for touring the good old states please feel free to ask!

    Our blog was/is:

    Happy riding!
