Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hey Hey (as Mark would say)

So today is the day! I am waiting on Mark to put his things together and then we are off! I can't believe we are starting our summer journey today. We stayed in Astoria, Oregon last night with Beata, Mark's sister and her boyfriend Bruce who have fed us, housed us, given us rides, and without their assistances, we have no idea how we would be here now.

We are both really excited and anxious to begin. We have looked at our map and decided that tonight we will either camp at Cannon Beach or Rockaway Beach which is about 55-65 miles away from Astoria.

We ate a delicious italian feast last night in order to get our adequate carbs and drank a lot of water! The weather outside of the Lamplighter Hotel, which by the way has three beds in one room, is..well....overcast and cold! So hopefully it will burn off in a bit! After three days of packing and spending big money on our last minute supplies we are finally ready to get on the road!

We didn't realize that it is Memorial Day weekend and we are heading down the 101 Highway so we decided to wear our highlighter yellow vests and attach an orange flag to our trailer! I picked out Mark's outfit and we are matching! ha

So thanks to everyone who has donated to our cause whether it be monetary or simply just the love and support we have received from so many! We need it all! We are both looking forward to the laughs and random people we meet, as I have already poked Mark in the eye with the flag and met a wonderful hotelier by the name of Laura who offered us cookies that smelled like smoke as we checked in.

So here we go! We plan to be updating our blogs as much as possible, we are having some techinical difficulities with the itouch but we will have a lot of time to figure it out! Also, we decided that when we can we will be separately blogging so that should be funny!

We would also like to recognize Liz Duckworth who recently passed, a lovable gal with an awesome smile and a wonderful, outgoing personality who was loved by so many. We love you girl and will be thinking of you all along the way!

Peace and Love baby! America here we come!!!

Kristen and Mark

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