Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 1

So today was our first big day! We really weren't too nervous about the long road ahead of us because we have each other to push and motivate during the difficult climbs through the cascades and Rockies!

After pedaling 67 miles for about 9 hours our legs had enough and figured it was a good time to stop and setup camp. We found a campsite in Gilradia Oregon, after about three other attempts and a hysterical fall from Kristen because she couldn't unclip her shoes from the bike pedals...The thing thats so funny about this trip is that its our first attempt with carrying all our gear! Our buddy Jeremy who we met when we were on csu plaza was generous enough to lend us his bob trailer for the summer. Mark is carrying the bob trailer which weighs around 50 pounds. As for me I purchased panniers 12 hours before take off. They weigh about 20 pounds ah! So far so good. The roads we are riding are nice and scenic. Thanks again Adventure Cycling for hooking us up with maps!

We had a relatively steep hill climb on the 101 with a 800 ft elevation gain. Good training for the rocky mountains! Ah!We stopped for lunch in Cannon Beach where we met up with our support crew Beata and Bruce. It was nice to see them one last time! Thanks again for everything guys! Also, we met a nice family from east coast. They were familiar with Invisible Children and have a friend who's apart of a similar non profit that helps out the children of Uganda. It is unbelieveable how many people are willing to help those in need in countries that are so far away. As we continue to encounter people along the road we hope that our ambition and passion for Invisible Children will carry over for others to take action towards things they are passionate about.

Traveling the last leg of our trip we stumbled upon a sign and got free wine tastings a mile off the trail. We put our heads together, thought for two seconds and headed east for a quick taste! Everyone was really nice! Before we got to the campsite where we are now, this little punk kid kicked us out of an RV park- that little piece of crap! But we were able to meet some nice people who let us use their fire and eat their s'mores!

I'm tired now bye bye.

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