Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 2

We started riding at about 8:30 and took a nice scenic but windy route close to the coast. We had stuffed the potato salad in marks shoe and he hit some uneven road and the potato salad went flying! We ascended our first climb and were sweating pretty good. My new expensive glasses were fogging up. I was pissed! We then enjoyed a nice downhill ride and as I hit a lip in the road I think I got some air and could only hope that mark wasn't going to eject over his handlebars along with the trailer! Luckily I only heard a aaaaaahhhhh after Mark got aspeed wobble but he regained control.We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in Netarts Bay where we got to talking to two women. Mark didn't say much as he was mesmerized by Skylers hot bod! He did manage to pipe in when they asked when our deadline for the trip was and he said, "well I have to be back for my triatholon on august 30th" smooth mark real smooth.

After lunch we had about another 30 miles to go and we had yet another hill climb, this one a bit taller and a bit longer. We did it though and felt good when we did! We contemplated taking a 2.5 mile hike to the lighthouse and really quickly thought against it. We starting flying down the mountain and hit Sandlake, which literally looks like a lake of sand among beautiful green forest! Breathtaking to say the least. A bunch of people were ATVing and it looked like so much fun!We decided after looking at our map, that I initially thought was wet from water but realized it was my sweat ( because I keep it under my shirt), that a good place to stay would be Pacific City, or PC as the locals like to call it.

This place is legit, brew pub and all beautiful beach and great pizza! Last night mark decided to leave the water bottle cap unscrewed and it leaked all over MY sleeping bag! Our neighbors at the campsite were nice enough to let us use their fire to dry it out! Roger and Louise filled us in about the details of the logging industry and we talked restaurants as well! We decided to stay here today and take a rest as well as let all the memorial day traffic pass through! So you could probably find mark surfing the gnar waves today and as for me, I'll be rooting the Nuggets on at Pelicans Pub! Go Birdman!!!


  1. Hey, I'm editor of the student newspaper at Miami University (in Oxford, Ohio) and found out about your trip through the Collegian's web site.

    I'm going to be spending the next two months interning in Kosovo, but I'll be following your journey from abroad. I'm really excited to see how your trip turns out because I've been thinking of doing something similiar after I graduate next May.

  2. Thanks for your interest Austin. Best of luck in Kosovo!
    Mark and Kristen
