Friday, July 3, 2009

DAYS 34-39

Hey ya'll~
We made it!! So far the journey has been amazing! Here is a recap of our last week in Wyoming! We are now in Colorado and resting our tushy's for a few days! Hope you are doing well and Happy Fourth!

Day 34 Dubois to Lander: Met up with some other cyclists! Heather, Jackson, Fozzy,(from New Zealand), Phil, David, and Dylan! Heather and I made each other sane again and talked about laundry and showering alot! Raining all day long, rocked out to Michael Jackson in honor of his life, rode with David who gave us the bright idea of putting plastic bags over our shoes and helmets as inexpensive rain gear,we were styling!, ate at Pizza Hut with our biking possy, and slept in the extra bed in the cabin with the Kiwis while Mark had the tent to himself.

Day 35 Lander to Lamont: Rode 91 miles, got 80 mosquito bites in Jeffery City, Kristen had three flat tires!, camped behind Grandma's Cafe for free, met Jean who shared his birthday cake with us, used Heathers pocket shower, such an amazing invention!

Day 36 Lamont to Rawlins: Rode only 30 miles, met Jeff and Jake who we shared a cabin with, a real bed!, I made five boys see The Proposal at the local movie theatre..chick flick!, played cards with Fozzy, and slept so well! A nice relaxing day! I even painted my toe nails!

Day 37 Rawlins to Riverside: I bought eggs and Jake made us egg sandwiches for breakfast with his trusty frying pan, ran into our Kiwi friends for lunch, the boys jumped in the river after going for a run...weirdos, bought sweet foam visors for $.60, did laundry and set up camp in a beautiful little campsite with green trees and the river, ate at Bear Trap restaurant and had Jambalaya Pasta, played pool and met some cool people our age who worked at a ranch down the road!

Day 38 Riverside to Walden: woke up to the sound of cows moooing like crazy!, packed up and entered COLORADO!! woo hoo!, rode in a pace line for most of the day trying to keep up with the world class athletes from New Zealand, ate dinner at the River Rock Cafe, and slept in the city park for free. Used the local pool and showers to get clean while Mark trained for his triathalon! Lets just say it was a good wake-up call!

Day 39 Walden to FORT COLLINS!!!!: Said bye to our lovely new friends...hopefully we will meet up with them at some point again, rode 110 miles, a new record!, climbed Cameron Pass, enjoyed the lovely ride through the Poudre Canyon, suprised my roommate Kari at her place of work, met with Katie, Patrick, Bre, Tim, Scooter, Maria, so happy to see familiar faces! Slept in a bed with the toilet right next store...ah the luxuries! Brew tours and fourth of July BBQ so excited!!

Sidenote: The bugs were annoying me while I was climbing Cameron Pass so I started shooing them away with my arm. I look up to see Mark cruising back down the hill that he just climbed up. I asked him what he was doing and he asked me the same thing. Apparently, a lady driving by stopped him to tell him I was waving at him and needed his attention when in reality, I was just trying to get the bugs out of my face...ha.

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