Thursday, July 9, 2009

Back on the road again...

We apologize it's been awhile since we've wrote on the blog, but we had some necessary recovery time in Fort Collins for the past 4 days! It was nice to see all our friends back in the place we called home for 4 years. I rode my bike through campus and not going to lie I was pretty sad. It's just hard to believe that I wasn't returning at the end of August. However, I realized in this trip that you can't live your life in the past. You can reminisce about the good memories you had with all the lifelong friends and all the things they taught you about yourself and how to live life to your fullest potential. You must take all things you learned and pave your present and future path that leads you to happiness.
I want to thank our friend Adam for throwing an amazing 4th party. He roasted a 60 pound pig for about 20 of our closest friends...delicious!

Well we headed back on the road at about noon...hard for us to leave! I was excited about Kristens repacking job on the trailer. It's official! We aren't ghetto anymore! She threw away our enormous clear bag where we threw all our clothes, food, and other junk we carry and upgraded it with a waterproof bag. It's great cause the trailer is a lot more stable! We could of made life a lot easier for ourselves if we went south on the frontage roads, but we wanted another challenge so we went the opposite way from Virgina and headed back into the Rockies to reconnect with our Aeventure Cycling map. We rode about 45 miles up a gradual hill into Estes Park. Kristen wasn't really feeling it mentally the whole day, I think she was still in shock of leaving all her friends and Fort Collins. Her spirits changed when we found a campsite outside of town and took a shower! We met the owner named Jim and he was helpful with orienting us with the towns restaurants...we went with Mexican and stuffed ourselves until we couldn't breath! We also asked him what was the best route through Rocky Mountain National Park and that's when he told us there was only 1 road through the park. The road is Trail Ridge Road, highest paved road in US 12300 ft. This meant tomorrow we had to climb 5000 ft in 30 miles....agh!

Well I'm going to test up for the big day tomorrow! Night

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