Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 25

We had a slow start this morning because we stayed out pretty late last night. Our new friend Mayo took us out last night and showed us all around town--we received local status treatment which was nice! Today was suppose to be a laid back day because we were only riding 28 miles to the town of Twin Lakes. We thought wrong!! We were thinking the 28 miles was going to be a breeze because the highway we were taking is relatively flat. The first 15 miles were fine and pedaling at a good pace, then the cross/headwinds starting attacking us. Let me tell you Kristen despises winds the most out of any other thing Mother Nature tries to throw at us! However, Kristen being the tough person she kept cranking and I just sat back in her draft the whole time(I'm always in her draft because I'm pulling the trailer and she can't get behind makes my life a lot easier SO Thank You Kree!!) We arrived in Twin Lakes an hour later and saw Ben waiting for us at the Bike Park (This is a small recreation area devoted to cyclists with a shelter and bathrooms all for FREE!) The shelter was great because it began raining right when we arrived and we were able to stay dry!

After the weather cleared we went into town to purchase a daily fishing license because I wanted to try out fly fishing and Ben being the angler enthusiast had an extra rod for me. We didn't have to go too far to to find a river because there was one running right through the Bike Park. After Ben gave me a brief run down on casting and all the little things involved with fly fishing, I was ready to seek out the murky river and catch myself a rainbow trout. It took me about 10 minutes to learn how to cast correctly. After about 45 minutes with not a single bite, I went over to Ben and asked if anything is biting? He said "this river is flowing too fast and waters to muddy for the fish to see anything". That was a relief to hear because I thought a was just a bad fisherman. Tomorrow we are meeting up with Ben in the town of Ennis to do some more fishing, hopefully I have some luck and catch a trout!

It was too wet to setup our tents, so we decided to sleep inside the shelter on the cement floor. The only improvement I would recommend about the shelter is they install a light switch, so you're able to turn off the lights at night! We had to sleep with the lights shining in our eyes the whole night...can't complain too much cause it was free!

Goodbye for now!

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