Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 47

Since the reservoir was a few miles out of town, we navigated our way through Lake Pueblo State Park and made it into the big city of Pueblo! We found a cute ma & pa restaurant called the Pantry and loaded up on coffee and eggs. We decided it was necessary to find a bike shop to grab some innertubes since we didn't have any that fit my bike! Mark ran to Wells Fargo while I made the trip uphill towards Bobs Bicycles! Twenty streets later, no joke, I made it to the shop to find that it is closed on Mondays! Ugh! I ran to kmart, another 4 blocks to find that they didn't have the right size innertubes! I bought some cute shoes for $6 since another one of my sandals apparently went flying off my bike two days before! After an hour of running around I found Mark in the parking lot of Wells Fargo asleep! We decided to forget the innertube because I was fed up, just in time to ride past a big biking shop right on our route!

We made our way to Highway 96, the one we plan on being on for the majority of our time through Kansas, and rode once again with the wind in our faces! We stopped at a convenience store and met some people headed west, a father and his 14 yr old son! I accidently told the kid he was a badass in front of his dad! It seriously was the only word that came to mind! We kept pushing along and reached Olney Springs after a huge wind gust that was definitely going to be hanging around! We decided it would be a good place to camp out for the night! I saw a sign for a United Methodist Church and walked in on vacation bible school! We were surrounded by five women whom I asked if we could pitch our tent next to the church. One lady spoke up and mentioned she was the mayor of the 350 person town! She said we were welcome to stay at her house and take showers! We went over to her house and met her husband Jerry, took showers, relaxed on the couch, and used their instant hot water for top ramen, it only took thirty seconds! We each got our own bedroom, mine with teddy bears and a red silk bed spread and Marks with John Elway memrobilia and a Broncos theme! We woke up early and Betty gave us milk for our cereal and made us coffee! We were out the door by 7:30 am and were headed for Eads, Colorado! Such nice folks!!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen & Mark! I finally have read all of your blogs! you guys are awesome! I cant believe you crashed VBI!! hahaha i remember thousand oaks vacation bible school!!
